ORIGINAL Material - Charcoal (Front & Back Rows)
Melvill & Moon pioneered the use of removable, washable, 100% canvas seat covers for the 4x4 and farm vehicle market 15 years ago. With Seat cover manufacturing now a growing industry, Melvill and Moon insist on high quality fabrics (especially woven heavy duty, 500gsm 100% cotton canvas), our commitment to on going design improvement and customer service has seen us remain the benchmark in the industry. Our seat covers are waterproofed (to SABS water resistant specifications ), rot-proofed, fully washable and being made from natural cotton. They are breathable and cool to sit on.
Washing Instructions
Melvill & Moon seat covers are made from 100% natural cotton canvas and should only be washed in the old fashioned way.
- Soak them over night in bleach free detergent
- Wash them by hand on a flat bath
- Rinse the soap out really thoroughly
- Drip-dry them inside-out on the line
- Iron while still slightly damp
- DO NOT machine wash
- NEVER spin or tumble dry
- ONLY us cold water, NEVER HOT!
Fitting Instructions
·Open canvas duffel and place all pieces where they are going to be fitted. Note that on the inside of each piece you will find a brief description of where the seat cover part is meant to be positioned
·Remove all headrest from the front rear and any jump seats where applicable
·Starting with the front seat backrests, slide cover over with the small “cell phone pockets” on the sides facing inwards to the center of the vehicle
·Tuck the tongue of the seat cover with the ‘soft’ Velcro through the space where the backrest and the base of the seats meet
·Moving to the rear view of the front seat backrest pull the tongue that you have just tucked through tightly to ensure a snug fit and stick the ‘soft’ Velcro to the ‘hook’ Velcro –remember the more snugly fitted the better it will look & feel
·Moving to the front bases, slip the seat cover over the appropriate seat, pull the strapping through to the back of the seat
·Once again, moving to the back of the vehicle thread the strapping through the d-ring and pull tightly –there is very little risk of breaking our d-rings as they are military/industrial spec and can handle the load
·Fitment of the drivers and the passenger seats will be exactly the same process –on some drivers seats there will be seat controls on the side of the seat facing the door, we cater for this with cut-outs on the seat covers that will make these controls easily accessible
·For vehicles with armrests on the front seats –tilt the armrest up at a 45 degree angle and slip the seat cover over ensuring that the armrest comes through the corresponding cut out provided on the side of the seat cover
·Fitting a solid bench in the rear is the same as fitting the backrest of the fronts, slide the seat cover over, tuck the tongue through and connect the Velcro ensuring that the fit is snug, ensure that once the Velcro is closed that it is lying flat. There will be provision in the backrest cover for any armrests should there be any by use of either an opening or for some vehicles a recessed piece of canvas that tucks into the armrest cavity when the armrest is positioned downward.
·If there is an armrest in the rear bench we have made provision for this, slide the armrest cover over the armrest and attach the Velcro accordingly at the back. Only fit the armrest cover last.
·Split bench rear seats are fitted much the same as the front seats
·When fitting any of the bases it is best to not tighten the “d-rings” but rather leave them loosely done up, then adjusting the base seat cover that its position is perfect and then only tightening the “d-rings” accordingly. If the “d-rings” slip, this is a sign that you have threaded them incorrectly. It needs to be turned around and threaded from the opposite direction
·Always ensure that all pieces are fitted as snuggly and tightly as possible, any creases that occur will cause wear marks.
·Before fitment always remove any jewelry such as rings or watches. Always be aware of any grease that may be present on the headrest stalks as well as on the runners underneath the seatsGST
All product prices are inclusive of 10% GST.